Thursday, March 25, 2010

There is no such thing as a free lunch- except for when Obama steals from you. Then I guess it's free to those who get to eat...

Feel free to laugh a little bit about my creative blog post title. I am so witty.

Enough giggling... back to business. This evening, after being nauseatingly sick of health care discussion... my professor was kind enough to discuss it for a couple more hours, (I only sound aggravated, however, the truth of the matter, it was an incredibly insightful discussion). I learned a lot, and more than anything, would like to share it here. I would also like to submit, to the nation, nay- the world, my own proposal. Feel free to "vote" on it in the comments box. Be kind, world, be kind. (Let's get real, mine couldn't be nearly as bad as Obama's. Ah. I shall sleep easy.)

This, as the lecture today, was casual, and open to everyone, so I apologize if it seems sporadic. Let us dive in...

"Option- haha- a funny word."
I appreciate those who refer to this bill as a "government option" health care proposal. Did you know that if this bill is implemented that you will be REQUIRED to have some form of health insurance- whether it is purchased in the private spectrum... or from the government. Some may argue, "But wait, they do that with car insurance- if you don't have car insurance, you cant drive!" Ah, I giggle in your naivety, my not-so-worthy- opponent. Or shall I say, "close, but no cigar." The requirement for driving insurance is a valid requirement because you have a rational choice as a citizen. You can FORGO paying insurance, by CHOOSING to refrain from driving motor vehicles. There is a choice. As with Health Insurance, ask yourself where the choice is in this? Can we CHOOSE to stop breathing to prevent paying insurance premiums, or additionally, prevent any kind of support of such a stupid bill? Not unless you possess natural superhuman powers, and in that case, I casually ask you to please embark upon a very public Supreme Court lawsuit, so I can have an enormous laugh. For instance, let's say that you are someone who is a strong advocate for personal responsibility, and doesn't like the feeling of relying on any kind of third party to help with payments, for you deem them unreliable. You break your leg and are faced with the question of what to do- pay the expensive fees outright, (as a responsible citizen, you have personally set aside a certain amount of money each month to an account to be used only for medical bills), or you stay at home and live with a limp for the rest of your life- as it will not effect the kind of work you do.... under Obamacare- this situation would never exist. You would be FORCED to pay for insurance, and FORCED to walk all over your own morals by receiving help in the form of taxes from other Americans. There is no choice. (Interesting though, that Obama can side with a 'Women's choice' option because it's THEIR body, and they can do what they want with it.... but walks backward to roughly... say.....the Holocaust....and takes all personal choice that you have over your body and your care.) Fight back.

"Geeze, I make $5,000 over the cap of those who qualify for free Obamacare....(Rational Choice)... Maybe I should ask my employer to cut my wages so i can qualify for this plan? "
If people make more money than the cut, but the amount over the cap is less than their annual payment in health bills...there is absolutely no question that people will work for less money, in order to have that paid for. Fight back.

Taxes- or as I like to call them- Financial Slavery. How will they change?
Two things will be added FOR SURE to our taxes, and there are also two things that WILL BE NATURAL DEFINITE FOLLOWERS. The first two that are included in the bill are the excise taxes and increasing the tax bracket of the highest paying group. The first adds an extra fee on "medical related devices." A good example has been brought up: Tanning beds. I find this logic convoluted as one of the major points of advocation for health care reform is that equipment is expensive.... but now, in order to pay for an unwanted piece of legislation.... they will cost more. The implications of this include less of these machines (note: includes also, x ray stuff, cameras, eye doc contraptions, etc), which will make it difficult (more difficult) for you to schedule an appointment with your physician if you will need to occupy that equipment. Can we scream "Counterintuitive" as loud and as obnoxiously as we can? YES WE CAN! The second for sure tax increase will in most simple terms, be the discontinuing of the tax cut Bush made for the the upper income bracket. Bush cut taxes of the rich, quite simply, because they are the ones who buy the most goods and services, and as we all know from Econ 101, the increase of transactions in goods and services creates a healthy and prosperous economy. It grows. Instead, we will charge more people, more money, which will inhibit trade- which will yet again, put a halt to our economic growth and lose additional jobs. But, the other side argues that they don't NEED it, they can AFFORD it, it doesn't HURT them. Actually, wrong again silly man... by hurting the top bracket financially, as these are fortune 500 business owners, developers, proprietors, etc... you directly hurt the lower class. One employs the other. When money is removed, they will downsize, the government gets more money to play God with, and Obama sleeps in ignorant bliss. Can we say "wish you would have taken Economics 101 at some nationally accredited University"? YES WE CAN!

Think of the above tax increases as say... a gateway drug of sorts....when the government notices the ease in which it can take YOUR hard earned money, while it simultaneously notices that it significantly under-guessed how much a system like this would cost... I promise you... it will do it again. The first thing to almost definitely follow, will be a Value Added Tax, sometimes called a VAT in other countries. This is essentially a national sales tax. So when you go to Subway hoping for the "5 dollar footlong" they love to sing about, instead of it costing $5.45 with your state enforced sales tax (numbers may vary according to where you live)... it will then cost $6.04 with the VAT added. This will be on EVERYTHING. Every gas purchase, every manicure, every lottery ticket... EVERYTHING. This will limit the amount of things you can buy, which will do what? Stifle our economy even more. Or as Archie Bunker might yell at President Obama, "Stifle, Barrack!" (If you feel clueless, I urge you to watch All in the Family sitcom on TV Land).

The second gateway tax addition will be a hike in the payroll tax to 4%. This is self explanatory. I already look at my paycheck and want to vomit from the amount of money I WORKED for being given away...4% more can be maybe $300 every two weeks to some of you. This isn't pocket change people- it's cold hard cash. It's yours... and it's being thrown away. Can you say "Barrack Obama is a Cottonheadedninnymuggins?" YES WE CAN!

After the first two hikes incur, it is estimated that there will be an excess of $100 Billion dollars that can go back into the system. But wait.... before you start getting sad that Obama will be re-elected in a few years... there is more- and it's being kept a secret FROM YOU.

Medical doctors often see patients with no insurance and only get paid for about 50%-75% of what they earned for those services from the U.S. Government. Due to this issue, every year, Congress passes something called "Doc Fix." It costs about $250 Billion annually. This helps reimburse doctors who graciously see patients who can't pay for a visit. It will most certainly be passed this coming spring, without hesitation... if Im doing the math correctly...


Bottom line: YOU, yes YOU, if you are in any way employed... will be paying just as much, or maybe more in medical costs with this new program. You are paying for it, no contest. The difference is- now- a much more inefficient, less accurate body is controlling who gets what, when, and how. And rest assured that you, at some point, will NOT get what you need.

More to come. Carpel tunnel is beginning....

heavy weight champ of lost causes and witty remarks,


  1. Kami,
    Started to read the health care (Make America Socialist) bill the other day, online... kept yawning, nodding....librarian came over and asked me if I was okay. I then pointed to the screen and she simultaneously said to me as I spoke..."I don't think anyone who voted for this bill, read it." Now it might be coincidence, but I doubt it. Too many people realize that this white elephant is going to eat too much. The Wicked Witch of the West, others call her Nancy Pelosi, has rammed this down the gut of the people and the lame-ass people who voted her into office will probably, stupidly, vote her right back into office. One thing is for sure... there are a heck of a lot of people ready to make change, REAL CHANGE, in our senate and house... not to mention the White House. Democracy must be protected.

  2. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

    Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.

    Thomas Paine, Common Sense

    Its funny you ended this saying the heavy weight champion of lost causes because A government only wants you to believe they are powerful beyond reproach. Thankfully this is not true, they are at the will of the people, at least for now. Keep the battle of wits alive.
